Noam Chomsky
Nachdem ich heute auf Facebook den Beitrag „Why America Is the Gravest Threat to World Peace“ von Noam Chomsky entdeckt hatte, entschloss ich mich, ihm spontan zu schreiben.
„Avram Noam Chomsky (*1928, Philadelphia) ist emeritierter Professor für Linguistik am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), einer der weltweit bekanntesten linken Intellektuellen und seit den 1960er Jahren einer der prominentesten Kritiker verschiedener Aspekte der US-amerikanischen Politik.“ (Text und Bild: Wikipedia)
„Dear Mr. Chomsky,
I saw your article “Why America Is the Gravest Threat to World Peace” and decided to send some thoughts.
We are witnessing is the slow decay of the old world order. A paradigm shift that brings everything into question. It takes place on three levels: the spiritual-individual, the individual-social as well as the social-structural level.
The old world order also based on the idea of a world of things, parts and seemingly independently existing problems that we previously handled symptomatically. And so an increasingly complex world originated.
„The man makes himself to slave by shifting the responsibility and creates his masters which tell him what he has to do.“
The core of contract between merchants, their stooges and unconscious value creators. The system is described in the parable of Esau and Jacob.
The old world order has been embodied by the hierarchy. The hierarchy, the adversaries of the natural order. At this point it is apparent that it is perfectly equal, which ideology as long as men are shifting the responsibility. War is here the maximum impact shifted responsibility to seek to maintain its own hierarchical order.
Hierarchy requires power and leadership structures that do not participate in the actual process of value creation.
The view of life changes to a perception of dynamic relationship pattern, mutual dependencies, cybernetic-, symbiotic-, synergistic-, energetic-, causal- and self-regulatory mechanisms.
On this basis, in conjunction with the knowledge of the design of highly efficient processes in companies (functional, information and communications and value-added process level) it is possible to transform dilapidated structures back into highly effective silently flowing organizations.
The old world order is based on the pattern of unilateral conditioning of the feminine principle (obtained, preserve, secure, hold, catch). The merchants are the shifted outward good sense, which had to take care of the unreasonable man.
The old world order is a care institution that we leave slowly.
Kind regards from Germany
Alexander Berg“
Seine Antwort kam schnell, kurz und prägnant:
„Interesting and far-reaching ideas, which merit careful thought. Thanks for sending. Noam Chomsky“